Overview of SESoS Research

What is a System-of-Systems (SoS)? and Why Is SoS Engineering Needed?

A System-of-Systems (SoS) is a set or arrangement of constituent systems (CSs) that are integrated (i.e., related or connected) into a larger system that delivers higher-level unique capabilities [DoD, JCIDS]

  • An SoS consists of CSs, which have managerial independence and operational independence, and they cooperate with each other to achieve SoS-level goals [M. W. Maier]
  • A set of several independently acquired systems (i.e., CSs), which are independent and form in their combined operation a multifunctional solution to an overall coherent mission [H. Eisner et al.]

Our Approach for Model-based SoS Engineering


  • For modeling and specifications of SoS, we study <Model-based SoS Analysis & Design>. This study includes following main research topics:
    • Ontology-based Meta-modeling of SoS
    • SoS Modeling Method
    • Data-based(or -driven) SoS Environment Analysis and Modeling
    • Policy Modeling & Specifications
  • For verification and validation of SoS, we study <Model-based SoS V&V and Simulation>. This study includes following main research topics:
    • Discrete Event Simulation
    • Agent-based Simulation
    • Simulation-based Statistical Model Checking
    • Property-based SoS Model Slicing (Goal Model Slicing, Simulation Model Slicing)

You can find more information Here.


OpenSource SW Development

SIMVA-SoS (Simulation-based Verification & Analysis for SoS) is a software for simulating and verifying the SoS, which is under development. Three main techniques/components are integrated into or utilized by SIMVA-SoS for simulation-based verification and analysis of SoS.

SE for SoS Research Group of KAIST

This work was supported by Institute of Information & communications Technology Planning & Evaluation(IITP) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT) (No. 2015-0-00250, (SW Star Lab)
