{"id":359,"date":"2018-11-06T00:57:02","date_gmt":"2018-11-06T00:57:02","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/se.kaist.ac.kr\/starlab\/?page_id=359"},"modified":"2018-12-10T06:16:55","modified_gmt":"2018-12-10T06:16:55","slug":"agent-based-simulation","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/se.kaist.ac.kr\/starlab\/studies\/study-2-statistical-verification-of-sos\/agent-based-simulation\/","title":{"rendered":"Agent-based Simulation"},"content":{"rendered":"


The increasing scale and complexity of systems have reached a point that imposes qualitatively new demands on the existing system technology. The emerging system is characterized by distributed, decentralized, and networked combinations of autonomous sub-systems under large-scale and complex environments. This new \u201csystem” is a general concept of \u201cSystem of systems” (SoS). The term has arisen in various domains such as social infrastructures, smart grids, military services, and air traffic.<\/p>\n

With respect to SoS, there are various types of definition from the literature that have been independently published by industry, government, and academia. One definition suggests that SoS is composed of independent sub-systems, which is called Constituent Systems (CSs), and CS has two unique properties: (1) operational independence, i.e., each system operates independently and it achieves its own goals by itself and (2) managerial independence, i.e., each system is managed in most parts for its own goals rather than the goals of SoS. These indicate that CS is operated, managed, and developed independently, and it may not focus on the whole SoS-level goals. The behavior of an SoS emerges from the interaction among its CSs.<\/p>\n

A key aspect of SoS is that how we can achieve whole SoS-level goals by orchestrating the interconnection between otherwise independent CSs. Thus, naturally, it is necessary to study approaches to verifying whether the SoS-level goals are achieved or not. However, there is a lack of supporting tools for modeling and verifying SoS and SoS-level goal achievements.<\/p>\n



SIMVA-SoS is a software for simulating and verifying the SoS. SoS models, given by users, are converted to executable SoS models and those become the inputs of simulation engine. Another input for simulation engine is SoS scenario data which is based on a target SoS. For verification, SoS goal and its verification property are input of the verification engine. A user can verify the satisfaction of goal and verification property of an SoS supported by SIMVA-SoS.<\/p>\n

Bellows are key features of simulation and verification.<\/p>\n

  1. Simulation<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n